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About trent

  • Birthday 08/14/1966

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    Old cars, antiques, old houses

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  1. Fantasy site? No, I never considered this a fantasy site but it IS a site used by people to con, try and locate suckers, on both sides, and delude ourselves we can get something for nothing. Look, there is a reality in that some people do wish to live in an actual world where they can make their own reality. I don't know whose glass is half full. or empty, but DO know That there are people who need and desire to live in a world beyond your insensitive and doubting ideation of reality. The reason this is known is because it WAS real for me, I chanced upon, not one, but a number of situations where guys were sick of the reality you portray, and took a chance with others. Not that you ever will, but then, isn't that your loss? Get past the grifters and predators and find there is substance, both in people and in making your own reality.
  2. trent

    Nullo House Boy

    That is the reason you are seeking a new place, and granted it is a valid one. What I asked was your personal goals to properly understand what it is we can do for each other. My goals are simple, a companion who is neither a prude, nor a leech. What is needed, is your goals and desres to encourage you to want to open up about this situation.
  3. trent

    Nullo House Boy

    I think that shows a level of dedication, or unusual mindset that may, or may not be an asset to future life. Prefer to hear a lot more about your own personal goals and expectations with a new home situation, having no idea what your current dutie sand services are, would really like to have some idea of what your current situation, and future goals are.
  4. They never existed,...
  5. I am moving in June, either Virginia or Austin, Texas, I have a van that needs to come with us, so need a seriously good driver, and someone who will do something like Doordash when we arrive. Preferably, due to insurance someone over 25, with experience in houseboy or serving to a house of 3 guys, we are 53, 26 and 27, and I will be living there with the houseboy for the first year, so someone with carpentry skills, house-cleaning and who is totally out, and into the houseboy experience, to include sex. This is more a business relationship, but I do expect the person to hold a decent PT job and work for his gay family, and not be a layabout, lazy or a prima donna. Formerly ran a gay Inn, had 3 boys full time and would like to do so in future Family with Austin gay life, I am a Vet, former Army officer, and prefer same, but basically, more open to out and openly gay lifestyle, massage, and naturist. Don't have time for the slow getting-to-know or anyone wishing to move at my expense, a one-way train or bus is likw $185, if you cannot afford to move yourself, we are not a good fit.
      • 1
      • Haha
  6. Well, I see you are reading y profile. I am 53, and in Midwest, looking to move to Texas, Austin ONLY, and ran a gay bed and breakfast there for 7 years. I am a former Army officer, and well, am not Monogamous, have had two 3 way relationships where we all lived together, like to know more about what you consider a relationship, include your age, and any other pertinent you care to tell.
  7. Couple of issues, 5 years isn't bad, what was the nature of the relationship, and what was your part in it?
  8. It really is a new world out there, and in this world there are more slippery and dishonest people than I care to admit. The fact is, we have a certain (small number, thank goodness!) of people who are so far out there in fantasy-land, it's truly doubtful they know a shady lie from an honest answer. But I do tell you what, there is always those people who are open and honest about seeking someone in their lives, and there are a few ways to tell them from the wannabees and liars, for one, they start off with treating a forum like this as a resume, and tell you, upfront, a lot more than "Hey I am cute, hire me, or,...come live with me!" They give you an idea of their situation, "just out of school," " living at home," "recently discharged veteran," or, on the employer side you get, "couple needing helper," "Houseboy needed," and THEN, you get some kind of introduction, like, "I want to start over, things have been confused in my life too long," or, "ambitious sexy boy looking to belong to a house where open relationships, experimentation, curiosity-filled, exhibitionism is the norm," or, "previously anorexic in relationships guy, once a closet-case has devoted his life to discovery, and not being ashamed of my decision, and needs help to learn what is possible on this side of the fence!" "Help wanted, assistant who has figured out his parents knew nothing about raising a Gay boy, and whose needs include guidance in finding my own ranges and limits in Life! " Sure this all sounds familiar, because we have BEEN there, and should no longer be afraid to admit we have ideas, desires, and a need to explore something we just haven't the capacity to explore alone. Face it, no one was born an expert in any endeavor, to include being gay, and without a bit of help, guidance, and experience, It's seriously doubtful anyone will learn to grow and be a part of ANY community. Such imaginative tag lines are not beyon anyone's imagination, you have your own story to share, it should reflect not ONLY the actual desire to join the community, but does not hide and betray the fact someone is just looking to take advantage and use people. We will leave that for the ones who refuse to blend in some details about their experience, the desire to move ahead and the absolute NEED to share this experience with others, be guided or assisted in your life, and, overall, be a decent and open person who actually cares about others and wishes to participate, and not just prey on others by putting up shy feelers which cry for notice, but do nothing to detail things like goals, Shyness may be a fact, but it is also a MASK which can hide acceptance, a false person, and fail to reveal experience, which can help to reveal someone's actual abilities, or hide a desire to find guidance. And let's face it, it is NOT just Houseboys who need guidance, it is anyone who wishes to be a part and take PRIDE in our community. Let's reach out a bit farther, take hold of your manhood and actually open up about what you seek, are offering, and are capable of.
  9. I really wish people who were serious would realize that it's far better to list a bit more than just a skimpy ad, try a profile and a picture.
  10. Woulldn't it be far easier to put at least one photo, and your profile online??
  11. Fantasy site? True as that is, it's absurd.
  12. New Houseboys should realize this space is like a resume spot for recruitment by Men who have an opening, not just in their home, but in their lives for a worthwhile guy who wishes to live within the Gay community as a helper and part of our family. The internet it seems, has created a new means to form attachments, but the fact is, many men are seeking to have a REAL companion, and it's a shame that there are no formal rules for communication, just a polite, and open suggestion that people realize they are in a marketplace, trying to "sell" your experience, desires, goals and future hopes to be a part of the community, and a family, in a significant way. Likewise, guys seeking a Houseboy have the responsibilty to realize they are not "hiring" an indentured servant, who is obligated to adhere to any whim, kink, situation or demand you make, you are selecting someone that you wish to take on in a mutually beneficial situation. To those unfortunate losers who are basically predators in locating and abusing guys for a time and hope to find someone as gullible and irresponsible of their own future and safety, well, there is a thing called Karma which will eventually place you into a situation where you belong! For those Houseboy wannabees who think they can lie and obfuscate their way into a position of some reward, give it up, the situation is there are many more out there who see through you just by the sheer fact you do not communicate well, tend to change stories, and will point you out to others long before you have a chance to profit much, and realistically, you have no future in duping people, there are too many of them, and too few braincells in your pathetic cranium! This leaves those few serious people who are sincerely pressing to locate a companion, adopt and bring them into something which can really only be described as the ride of your life. Sure, there are pitfalls, drugs, alcoholism, petty and demented guys on both sides, who just wanna take any advantage they can, but,in the end, that kind of behavior is short-lived and best sought out for exposure, and getting someone banned from participation in polite company. Perhaps this is the best advice to give, there is a polite, thriving community which welcomes people who deserve a place, and that same community is strong enough to weed out and segregate users and abusers alike from participating. The main point of this is the need for communication, what you will find is those who are worthwhile do have the ability to tell you what they are seeking, how they either desire, or offer help, and who can easily convey the idea of feelings, needs and those skills, abilities and hopes they bring to the table. It all starts with communication, so if you hide, fail to respond, or tend to not purposely say enough about yourself and prove to each other a sincerity and caring attitude, it will show, those people who only discuss "ME, ME, ME!" are the ones who have neither the ability or attitude to help or support anyone, themselves, included.
  13. I have had a number of "excellente" Houseboys, used to run a gay Inn in Texas, and so I had a decent selection of boys, both students, and local boys with varied backgrounds and experiences. I would attest to the fact that if you do not have a decent profile on here displaying your strengths, goals, skills, and desires to receive from an employer, AND check your messages daily, reply in a rapido manner, and fill out a membership detailed listing, no one will try and contact you.
  14. .......I thought raw was ONLY for the Pizza delivery boy? It seems that HINTING that the majority of people approve somehow suggests it's the common "thang" out thereabouts,... Wouldn't it be a lovelier world if people kept their pet desires, fantasies and eccentricities as fodder for more personal discussions, and not put out there what they assume many are doing. It's kinda like this, in the past I have had houseboys who were absolutely fine with sex as part of the deal, and then there were those who stipulated a "hands off" policy upfront. Do I see an issue with this relative individuality? NO, but it's kind of always been my point of view that you find a suitable and compatible helper, and then discuss details before the actual deal is made. If either party is to blame for a lack of communication, it is the person LOOKING for the Houseboy who failed to align the rules and expectations to the skills, and limits of the Houseboy. In short, teacher, teach me better. Suffice it to say, that we are all either Gay here, or accepting of a Male to Male model of interaction, and that, simply put, sex has to be, at the very least, part of the open discussion, and usually, if that one precept is not 100% agreed and affirmed, ahead of time, and BY BOTH PARTIES, then both parties should walk away,... or run, in some cases! What I really suggest also, as a warning, is to open up about your own deisres, and avoid people with set-in-stone "ABSOLUTES," meaning, either you do this (or don't!), or we do not move ahead, and this, as with sex, is a warning to BOTH parties involved, to steer clear of any and all assumed "absolutes." Clear, concise communication, to the point of "getting it in writing" should be something more seriously considered.
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