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Everything posted by willnps
There should be a thread on the funny things house boys write. Posting on here for a job and only a job to me very funny. Get a newspaper and find a job. I am not going to hire you to be conderfella all day long cooking and cleaning. One person said the more work I do the more I should get paid. Seriously guys you are posting on a site that has is sex expected as an option. Click no rather then justify it endlessly we get it. But when you fake it putting up all your sexual fantasies and then say well I don't want to be forced. No one is going to log on here and force anyone to do anything. But you are trouble from the get go so ignore... Worse they will know your less then honest and be less than honest to you. Next if you have to negotiate what general housekeeping means, it tells me you have probably never cleaned anything before. I had one houseboy tell me I had to pick up the house and load the dishwasher and he would take out the garbage and start the washer. Only fair right, I said what do I get for room and board? And don't say I prefer someone to cook for me, because you are saying room and board for sex and that will get boring fast. Most houseboys focus only on what they want not what they will provide. I am not your dad, you need to know what you want and give what the employer asks for to get it. You are not fooling anyone when you are indirect in you answers so that you can weasel out of any commitments you have made. If you keep hearing "but I thought we agreed" from your employer, then trust that you are not smarter then the employer you will be dumped. It simple and it works, I have had a few great houseboys that are now in great financial positions because of what was agreed to and what was committed to. If you want the world then you give up the world in a nurturing and consensual way. No one is raping anyone, no one is taking advantage of anyone. Every day or week or month does not have to come out even, but it cannot be one sided If you turn the tables and sit around doing nothing both parties are going to get bored and end it. Which brings up the last point a houseboy is not a marriage it is designed to end when the houseboy no longer can fulfil the houseboys duties or is no longer desired. That may sound harsh but if you think on it is factual. Its possible it will turn into love but not as likely as hearing "your just to old now." A clear exit plan should be established right from the start, Here is what you get when you leave no matter if you have earned it or not. You can agree to renew it every year, but not every week. You are both people and should be respectful, but its not love in the traditional sense. If you make it a fairy tail, then you get fantacy. Remember you will always be who you are and if you are not upbeat and looking to grow and become part of a family, but rather look for each opportunity to get only your needs met, you will be asked to leave no matter how much sex you offer in return because to an adult male sex is a function not a relationship. Just my opinion
Well I am glad you wont do Pornography good for you!
I would not say all are escorts but that's kind of the houseboy code is it not, we or most of us expect to have sex with our houseboys in exchange for room and board and we give then kindness and mentoring that will improve the rest of their lives. Most of these kids in the way they write their profiles, show them to be lost and from an uncaring home. At once funny and tragic they write things like I don't like...I wont... without a single thought to what the reader might think when the profile is read. Often the younger ones are supper hot but have no concept of reality and the older ones are stuck in their own victim mentality unwilling to see any need for change. But they have to see their life is screwed and don't know how to fix it and see ever attempt as some evil plot to screw them again. Because they often see it as hey let the old guy blow me and I can come and go as I please. The one that can see value in it and adapt, will be successful and happy for many years. Most have been on their own for quite some time and have become escorts for survival not desire. So the risk is in most case they are not going to change and are going to wreck your life as they struggle to find their own and leave without so much as a thank you. And only you will know how much you helped them. Others will blossom into a stunning young man to be proud of and others may become life long lovers. Not once in my many years of having a house boy who became very successful, and gain interdependence under my mentoring not come after a few years and hug me and thank me for my efforts and I would say why didn't you say it when you left. They did not run away from me they ran to their life, its about letting go in the end.
"his real age is 35 he is gipsy and mental sick" wow that is to funny some day they will write books about this.
OMG this sad story plays out in real life all the time. But when you read what both wrote, you can see the truth emerge. I am sure in his mind he did nothing wrong and in a way he did not. Giving him money for a phone and training is not really what this site is for. So saying he lead you on is not exactly true either. The response was far more honest, he clearly does not even see what he has done was wrong. Just hurt he was called on it. The idea that any kind of money exchanged while building a relationship is immature, and that is what you are so upset about. The issue is that he may not have actually scammed you if you sent money over a few emails and little honest dialogue would have made his intentions clear. This forum should not be used for retribution without stating facts.
lol that's too funny "do you have cash to tip the girls"
I am a gay writer and gay business owner an I have had a few successful so called houseboys some where sexual and some just pretty boys. But the idea any site like this can be policed effectively is a bit quixotic. So its all up to both of you to mke it work. I may be new here but not new to older/younger houseboy relationships. call it what you like it is a relationship pure and simple. Here are a few rules I go by that may be helpful for anyone getting into it. -Basically an older younger relationship has many differences, don't try to ignore that fact even when it seems totally compatible. The older man needs to maintain a mentor mode and the younger will continue to challenge and learn. ( never say I knew you would come over to my side, they need to learn its correctness to accept it, you did noth but help drive understanding) =Verbalize all your intentions thoughts hopes and even fears in a practical way expect the employer to be more rigid in their ideas while the houseboy may be rethinking them all the time. Also remember the younger tends to internalize your words differently then you intended and may be offended if they don't understand some concepts or even basic words. -Trust but verify, the relationship has to be based on trust, and you have protect yourself and build trust at the same pace. That is very difficult but if they say can I have the keys and your not ready be honest don't try to charge the facts with bad past events or long excuses, just say your not ready to give up that much. =Be a mentor not a nagger . A mentor must guide the person to the point in a journey not describe set by step direction. so don't point out mistakes but only praise success. don't say cant you see why coming home late would piss me off, they will say I did nothing wrong no one got hurt I did not mean toupset you. All are correct and cannot be argued so its best to get them to see how you feel looking at the clock worried if the phone broke and the car got a flat or some one slipped them a drug. Keep it about you because you are the only one impacted while he had a great time. =Give in... tie goes to the younger if you did not clarify something that should be well understood accept it and say OK from now one we will do this, don't harp on the mistake no matter how bad it was. If they break a glass or a priceless vase treat it the same if you have not warned them of the value of the vase over the glass before hand. =Don't play games with love or logic...Don't put challenges to verify trust or good behavior don't put money on the table to see what they will do, don't give conflicting choices to just how ready they are to make good choices. Your supposed to help them make good choices not correct bad ones. =The will never buy the cow if you give the milk for free...so don't hand out money for good behavior great sex or anything else because you will start a game that makes then change when they over spend. You can do a monthly bonus if they have been good but even that is not healthy. =You want them independent because if you want them dependent on you then you are not in a healthy state of mind for this arrangement and it will go badly one can always justify stealing from their employer, they get worked to hard or under paid so be careful always even in the best arrangement. =Give them their down time if they are tired or sick or miss home let them take all the time alone but don't let them use drugs or booze to get out a funk or it will become a habit that is unbreakable. -Just remember you may trigger bad behavior just the way you talk to them if they had bad parents or horrible upbringing, get to know their past, they may be more mature then you ever know if you don't let them show it. If you can keep some of this in mind you will have the most rewarding experience if your lives no matter how long it last and if your lucky they may say it was the most important relationship of their life. Keep your limits know cheating, drugs, whatever it is and dont excuse it, it will happen again if you do. If your linits are exceded you must end the relationship its that simple. Anyway that's my thoughts keep the lines of communication open, show the love trust and respect you would want and when you misstep admit it too Never ever say well I pay all the bills around here because you are not. Every minute they try to please you and perform a chore its payment to the bills of the house and you must respect that. finally have a exit strategy and discuss it often, I remember one young lover I flew out and gave him a return ticket that he kept for a long time untill one christmas he gave it back to me in a Christmas card long after we had both forgotten about it. It was the best gift I ever received.
sounds like you where both correct in what happened. being young tru2youboi seemed to react as one would expect given his youth. It also seems like a lot of up front communication was misunderstood. its all good and i hope you both learned from the experience