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GreatHomeForYou last won the day on January 8 2024

GreatHomeForYou had the most liked content!


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  1. GreatHomeForYou


    Glad you didn't lose any money. Feel free to post that profile to help someone else from getting taken.
  2. Bill, your great story is more proof of how times have changed, but not for the better. We had our first houseboy in the late '80s and we had over 30 qualified candidates apply for that position. The one we chose stayed with us for 5 years while he attended college and then of course moved on. We had a few other long term houseboys and always had a pool of candidates from which to choose. Now we find ourselves at the opposite end of the spectrum. The last houseboy we had was in 2018 and we have not been able to find a serious houseboy who wants to live in Daytona Beach, Florida since then. Most all of these boys on here are either scammers or are looking for sugar daddies. They don't want to do any work, they just want to lay around and look pretty while collecting a salary. I just can't imagine what the next several generations of youth will be like. Anyway, best of luck in your continued search for a serious match.
  3. Bast81 - we did a search and it said that no profile exists for you. Maybe that's the reason you aren't having much luck. Go into the main page and type in your name and hit search. We couldn't find your profile there and two of our friends who have profiles on here couldn't find your profile either.
  4. We can empathize with you about this. Years ago there were so many legitimate boys that we scheduled interviews with them to select the proper fit. Now, like yourself, we find about 1 in 25 are honest and sincere. Oh how times have changed and continue to get worse. Good luck in your search!
  5. I just hope the site is fixed soon so it can be accessed once again!
  6. And now the whole site is down.
  7. And as quickly as he disappeared two weeks ago, he reappeared today. Now he's Hotboy4Serious. Although he didn't post his face pic this time, it's the same body pic he's used for the last 8 years. BEWARE...you have been warned!
  8. Well you certainly posted a great profile! Any employer would be very lucky to have a houseguy like yourself. Best of luck in your search.
  9. ...and as quickly as he reappeared...he's once again GONE! Thank you for reporting him and for deleting his new profile. You saved someone from being taken in and then scammed.
  10. Yes, he's back again! Now he's MansMan998. Please see mine and others' comments about this scammer who has been on here for years. Search older posts and you will see what he has done to people. He immediately blocks those of us who have reported him over the years. Please check out his profile and report him to the web master. Yes, we were unfortunately taken in by him in 2015 and were scammed. Please don't let this happen to you or other unsuspecting employers. And DON'T send him any money, and DON'T be fooled by his southern accent...he will scam you!
  11. Best of luck in your search!
  12. Keep up the faith. Something will come along when you least expect it!
  13. As long as we have been on this site, it has never loaded for us either.
  14. Welcome to the site. You posted a great profile and very handsome pics. You certainly have a lot of positive energy which is nice to see in youth today. One thing to tell you though, is don't be discouraged if you don't get a lot of comments in the Forum. Not too many people look on here for some strange reason. However, you certainly should get a lot of inquiries from your ad on the main site. And if you have faith, Mr. Right will come along when you least expect him to. Best wishes!
  15. Hello. Sorry to hear about your situation. Your profile & ad might not be approved for weeks, so people would need more information about you here until your ad is approved...like location, age, etc. Good Luck!
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