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  1. Check on both. They look great. Thanks! Ed
  2. Okay, I've got another one for you. Sorry. I wrote a fairly lengthy reply message to a boy that had written me and when I hit send, my session had expired and I lost my ten minutes or so of work. Your session timeout seems very short to me. If I am still in browser, I can't understand why it would timeout in anything less than 24 hours. Industry standard is actually more like 2 weeks, even when you close the browser. But more importantly, if you are going to time out while in the middle of your client writing a message, you need to provide a way to log back in that does not lose the message being written. But then I'm just a picky user. Ed
  3. Thanks for the reply! I rescind #2. I had my profile set to San Francisco for some reason. Operator error. I have included the screen shot. I'm running Chrome Version 64.0.3282.186. (I am due for an upgrade, but I'm working on my own web project and don't want to upset that yet.) Thanks again for getting back to me and again, congratulations on the new look. Ed
  4. Hello team, I'm mostly happy with the new look and feel, though it took me a while to relearn how to navigate it. I do have a few suggestions that I hope you find useful. - I miss the sort-by feature on the search. I find it useful to sort by most recent login as those that logged in more recently are more active and more likely to reply to my messages in a timely fashion - It would be nice if you used my profile address as the search-from address. I have to enter my zip code every time I log in and do a search. It's not a lot of work, but it seems unneccessary. - The send message pane looks terrible on Chrome. The text box that you use to enter your message is very small and the font size for the text is outrageously large. As a result, I can only see a couple lines of my message at a time. Not at all a pleasant experience. - I hate, hate, hate that you format the profiles by capitalizing every word. It is bad English, it is ugly and it is tacky. Please change that immediately. I work in internet services myself and I am well aware of the time that it takes to perfect a site and make it wonderful for everyone. I think you've made a great effort, and with a few more steps I think it will be truly awesome. Congratulations. Ed
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