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  1. Hello - WANTED for Summer 2015 (May/June) Basically we just need someone to help us out with our day to day life. We are a committed couple who have big plans and are going big places and you can come along for the ride. We are moving back to the DFW area in the Summer of 2015. Around that time we will be doing many things... starting the adoption process for a baby, getting married, searching for a house, I could go on but those are the biggies. We need someone who is willing to be a real asset to our family. We feel this is the ideal situation because we are seeking someone who does not have to work outside the home unless they choose and we don't want to have sex with you. Ideally we are seeking someone to keep the home clean, cook our meals, make sure the dogs are fed, make sure the kid(s) are taking care of, run errands, shop for groceries, etc. Eventually, this could easily develop into a personal assistant type position as well if you so choose. What we are NOT seeking: -sex -bums and golddiggers -drug addicts -smokers -bar flys -lazy unmotivated individuals Ideal attributes: -health conscious -willingness to learn -motivated -possess initiative -trained massage therapist (or willingness to go to school for this) -not seeking a sexual relationship with us -good with kids -good with dogs -enjoys cooking -doesn't mind cleaning / doing laundry Your compensation: -your own bedroom and board (food, utilities, etc) -cell phone -use of a vehicle -vacation with us -possible health insurance (at the very least your doctor's visits and medications could be provided for the occasional need) -possible tuition paid -possible spending money -basically if you are going above and beyond for us we will go above and beyond for you We are 34 / 27 years old and seek someone within that range (18-34) if possible. We are not picky or judgmental, basically if you can take care of the above we want to hear from you. Male and F2M considered.
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