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  1. Ive loved this site for years and actually have met and had some cute bois with me. But you all should start a new site or section for Sub/Dom arrangements. Just a suggestion. Nothing out there like that I know of.
  2. This is so funny. I just noticed this post and its right below mine. Yeah pretty obvious he is fake. Such a shame hot pics and great ass and dick.
  3. This guy in 3 tests started calling me honey and sweetie. He sent pics of a good looking but not model so seemed real. I knew right away he wasnt but wanted to see his angle. Funny, today his landlord threw him out because he needed rent and he wanted to come to me but he needed gas money and a tune up but he never asked for money out right. But was instead going to head to Oregon. I said well gas and such to where I was would be about the same. Now all of a sudden he had a person in OR that offered a job, and moving expenses for him to move there. I said well I have friends there and maybe I will see him there. He says Im a bad guy because I dont care about him and that was mean for me to say.. Then blocks me on this site so I cant tell you guys or Admin... I do love seeing the different approaches that in all rights are exactly the same. I knew who it was at the first honey and I care about you statement. So guys be careful
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