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HitTheRoad last won the day on September 28 2015

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  1. Even if he were completely legit and everything he said was true, the part were he says he's trying to evade the court system and cheat his ex is a big red flag.
  2. drag a picture to the "drag files here" area
  3. Interesting story. I hope you tell us more sometime.
  4. What's the point of these weekly name changes? Is it just to keep his name near the top of the list, or is there some other less obvious purpose?
  5. I asked this question earlier, from the prospective of hiring someone not from the US. It doesn't seem likely that a houseboy would be able to get a work visa. It seems very very unlikely, in fact.
  6. It looks like most positions on the main board are located in the US, but there are lots of houseboy applicants who aren't in the US and presumably don't have US citizenship or permanent residency. Is getting a job here just a pipe dream for most of these men? Even if they got paid under the table, or didn't get paid at all, most visitor visas aren't good for more than 90 days or so.
  7. It's not stupid for him to use the same name. If he uses the same name and bad reviews can be easily found on the internet, who's going to call him? Only the people who don't do research and have low-quality BS detectors. And that's exactly the audience he wants.
  8. I'm curious - how many responses from potential employers do most houseboy candidates get? One? One hundred? One thousand? I mean legitimate responses that might lead to a placement, not "I saw your ad you're hot please send me pictures of yourself naked".
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