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  1. Yes I am looking for a houseboy. Have been for some time now but the right one has not surfaced yet. I have run a crossed a few scam artists here at this web site. Take a look at my profile if your interested let me know.
  2. Hello Hi Jamie my name is Robert but everyone calls me Bubba. I am a gentle bear. I am no slave master or a master. I am just a man looking for some help in the house and outside keeping up the yard so it looks nice. I live in the country so it doesn't have to like your competing for who has bets yard but it is nice to have it looking great when company comes. I'm not lazy, I'm disabled or I would do it. Here if you show me respect you shall get it in return. I hold no one against there will, if you can't hack the jobs then we part ways as friends. I may be disabled nut I still have a flavor for sex. If you would like to know more you can reach me here or at big_bear_41@yahoo.com I look forward to hearing from you, Bubba
  3. I would like you to take a look at my profile. I think we could figure things out. I would give you a trial run if your interested. We can talk things over if your ready. Hope to hear from you soon.
  4. I ask you to read my profile and see what you think. I have laid it all out on there. I have reached out to you, I would expect the same in return.
  5. I own a gun why would I ask an employee to give up his gun. As long as it's not some AKA 47 or a M 16 or something like that. It's a shot gun, hand gun, bring it who knows maybe we'll go hunting. We have lots of game we can hunt up here in Iowa. I grew up hunting deer, did some pheasant now there is something you have to quick with and knowing whether or not it's a male or female. Now I am no sugar daddy I was taught if you want some thing in this life you must work for it. No free rides, nothing comes free, there's always a price. Now I have an immediate opening here. I'm finding people don't want to work or live where I do. That's not an excuse, that's laziness in my book.
  6. I would ask you to help clean my house. I'm not the best at it. You treat my fair I do in return. Would need help with rent so you would need to get a job. I own the house but you have the little things like mortgage, heat, electricity, the list grows. So you would have a roof over your head a food on the table. A nice lovable bear to keep you safe and warm.
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