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mikeyb last won the day on May 8 2015

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  1. Check out my profile. Sounds like you're just the guy I'm looking for. Regards
  2. Quite right 'due dilligence' is the mantra the banks have adopted. We older guys are seen as targets and very often easy targets so it's necessary to be cautious and take an informed decession, if we take a chance be aware of it and don't moan if it doesn't work out.
  3. I know one shouldn't use names but this name caught my attention because I've had similar conversations with him over the last month. I was on the verge of booking flights for him but became suspicious when he told me he needed money for food so I backed out of the arrangement.
  4. Thanks for the info. I think the student visa is probably the best solution. I found this site "http://thesavvybackpacker.com/long-term-travel-europe/"that had some good suggestions. I've seen a lot of older guys taking the marriage option mmmmmm...... a bit drastic for me, (I don't think I'm the marrying type hehe)!
  5. I’m looking for a houseboy/personal assistant to help me in my enterprise in Central France. I’m starting a new life and a new business after working in IT for the last twenty five years. This is a serious job offer (see my profile) which could be a great opportunity for an inexperienced guy who wants to start a new life, to learn and to be mentored. I’ve had some interest from guys outside Europe but there is a problem with their stay being limited to the 90-day tourist visa. Has anyone found a solution to this restriction?
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