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  1. Virginia?
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  4. Chris, do you have an online profile?
  5. We are a GWM couple in search of another GM to share our home and lives with. Building a trusted "family unit" is our primary goal. We have a spare furnished bedroom available and would like to meet and establish a working friendship with another who can help around the place and share in meals, chores, bills, and such. Your willingness to acquire an outside job and your own means of transportation is a big plus. We will assist with this process. Characteristics we are looking for: -Non-Smoker -Light Alcohol Use -Disease & Drug free -Democratic, Dependable, and Trustworthy -Pleasant Attitude -Responsible Behavior -Clean Natured (an ability to leave areas cleaner than you found them) -Respectful & Kind Hearted -Ability to understand and follow directions provided for living with us on our property... while kindly offering ideas and opinions on how to improve conditions. -Willingness & Ability to help out towards various to-do lists. -Good physical condition (able to help us with basic daily and weekly chores, such as cleaning (inside & out), cooking, basic yardwork, pool cleaning, weeding, and so on... -An interest and desire to help with hosting events, such as pool parties and BBQs, movie nights, and so on. -Be loving with and towards our animals, such as dogs and cats. -Be able to work WITH others, as opposed to against them... -Be happy at home, versus wanting to party in town every night... moderation is the key. -Life Guard experience is a plus as we live within minutes of the Waterpark, and we have water areas as well. We have a very nice home and property located within a protected community, with beautiful rustic surroundings, high speed internet, and modern utilities. If interested, please contact us, and we can share more info. We can then exchange Facebook pages, E-mails, Texts, and so on. We envision our first contact would likely be meeting for dinner. If we all can get along, further arrangements can be made. Thanks for your consideration. House Boy / Pool Boy / Cabana Boy for Room... A "family" relationship would be fantastic if it could work out that way... We are a fairly easy going couple who expect a "drama free" zone around the house. Some say we are eccentric as we have high standards for ourselves and the property we keep. We much prefer light conversation, and often have a "get the work done first", then relax afterwards atmosphere. We are naturists, so are often "sans clothes" around the house... we prefer others who are accepting of that, and who are able to also be easy on the eyes mentally, physically, and emotionally, and who don't have major hang-ups or have issues to prove. Life is tough enough, we know that, and we want to make it easier for ourselves and those around us. We try not to spend much time with silly issues, preferring to get the issue resolved and move on to participating in life itself. If you are light hearted, caring, and sincere, and are not a game player, we are there with and for you... IF YOU HAVE SPECIFIC NEEDS OR WANTS, or other financial obligations, or special food requirements, your applying for and accepting of an outside job is perfectly encouraged as we live close to a four seasons resort... life guarding, food service, sales, and so on would be available to you. Expect from a Houseboy / Employer House Boy / Pool Boy / Cabana Boy Wanted... We are seeking a nice looking, bright, charming, engaging, positive and fun loving individual (to become part of our "family") to help us around the house and property... in a naturist environment. We seek a cute worker who can assist with our many every day tasks efficiently, whether on the computer doing inventory, or in the garden weeding plants. This position would continue as we work to catch up on the many to-do list items... and would continue indefinitely if your help is available that long and we are all able to work and live comfortably together... many of our projects are on-going. Expectations that we see for this possible individual are: -Honesty, integrity, and initiative to see tasks through from concept to completion through teamwork and problem solving. -To possess a strong sense of loyalty and commitment to us, and who we are. -To be appreciative of the environment, and polite and trustworthy to us and our guests. -Work together attitude, versus us and them. -To blend in as the boy next door... we are a professional couple and do not want to stand out in a crowd when in public places for dinner, while traveling, at Moms for dinner, etc. -Your ability to maintain and clean up after yourself, and for us. We keep a clean house, and expect it to stay that way within reason. -Flexibility of Work Schedule... Preferred is evenings when we are home... however, daytime also works when contractors are on site, and throughout the summer. -Ability to do some heavier lifting to move boxes, furniture, etc. -Knowledge of tools and/or willingness to learn to use them, such as for light mowing, weeding, tilling, and minor repair work, pool cleaning, property maintenance, and so on. -Open minded and kind hearted to adequately care for the property, and our pets in a loving manner. This would include cats & dogs, feeding, and watering, as well as painting, cleaning filters, checking pool & hot tub chemicals, etc... -Respect and consideration for tools, equipment, and our personal possessions... -A Face book Account or an E-mail Account is the preferred method of keeping track of work and progress. -Your ability to plan and organize naturist friendly gatherings would be a PLUS. -We prefer life to be "drama free", and would expect the same. Our lives are confidential, and we expect that to be upheld. -We are "Non-Smokers", thus we expect that consideration for that fact would be upheld. There are areas outside for smoking, however, we DO NOT wish to encourage spending time and money on any bad habits nor on any other excessive behavior such as drinking, smoking, or illegal substances. -Your own transportation, or the ability to drive, and have a license to borrow a vehicle. -Meals/snacks included for longer work days. If you can assist with meal preparation and clean-up, that would be wonderful. -Includes use of pool and other facilities such as secluded surroundings, game house, tanning bed, infrared sauna, DirecTV, 5mbps internet and computer use, furnished bedroom, and so on. We are also willing to assist with helping to rebuild credit, and get life's issues back on track as long as you can commit yourself to wanting to make that change in yourself for the better should you be challenged in that area. If you are interested, please contact us and we can discuss further... If you are interested, and think you could fit in, please contact us. Cheers! Have a great day!
  6. We are seeking a houseboy to join our family- especially now as the nice seasonal weather approaches to help with opening the pool, and planning for beach and seasonal get togethers... We are a gay couple with a nice property with dogs and cats... Please check our profile, and if interested, please give us a shout! Thanks! SVNekkidB
  7. Looking here in Virginia... if interested, give us a shout.
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