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TopDad4Son2 last won the day on September 12 2019

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About TopDad4Son2

  • Birthday 07/21/1952

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Orlando, Fl
  • Interests
    travel, muscle cars, golf, hiking, jet skiing, go-karting, paint ball/laser tag, movies, home theater/sound systems, concerts, some sports (watcher).

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  1. Beware - he is a druggie/substance abuser into pain pills, alcohol, pot, smokes etc. He wants to be out until 3-4am. a partyer. Threw him out twice drunk or high - he was treated well paying for his travel, clothes, food, and even cigarettes. He retaliated by reporting me to the police falsely accusing me of possession of child porn - STAY AWAY FROM HIM! I have a detective looking for him - he has cost me $50,000 in legal fees so far - I am going to prosecute him and sue him for what he has done.
  2. TopDad4Son2


    guyryan150 is also fake - photos are of porn star Marc Federicson of Hammer Boys thanks to Google rev erse image search. Story also says he is in Colorado, not Canada, parents and boyfriend died in car crash in Italy, blah blah
  3. TopDad4Son2


    Also add "JustBrooks" - not his photo, would not video chat. HINT: Check all photos with Google Reverse Image search - fakes and scams use good looking guys from social media to bait you - fitness Gurus too - in this case the photo is TwinkStan - a gay boy rapper on you tube. Other photos used on me are Cameron Dallas, Mark Fitt, Garrett Rowland, Remi Baker, and several Russian internet sensations. Google found in seconds. Also, scammers often say their phone does not work (camera) or they have old phones so they cannot video chat. Don't fall for this - I even offered to buy them a phone - unlocked Iphone 4 and 4S are only $50 on ebay - and they all of a sudden have changed cities "my mom died last month and I moved to me Aunt or Uncles in NY, etc." If the lad looks too hot to be true to be interested in you - beware. I won't send money either - rather travel to meet them first. Had one trip two weeks ago of 500 miles RT into GA. and it was a scam - he called me when I got there and said he was coming - 3 hrs. later - no show - I called and told him I was leaving - I left - he had me turn around saying he was right in front of the general store - he wasn't - he laughed at me - had an African accent. At least i got to drive my Hemi Challenger for a nice Sunday ride and I enjoyed that immensely (except those PA drivers who break the law riding in the left lane at speeds the same or lower than trucks on the right on 95) I am sorry I had to pass you on the shoulder - Florida law says you must get over for faster traffic!!
  4. I am sending you a private message Devon.
  5. I have been taken a number of times - I know that Matterxxx must be fake as I recognize his foto from being scammed on another site. Even locally, sent $50 for gas thru Walmart - he showed ID, was on security cam footage, didn't show up. Have air credits from multiple airlines for unused tickets I purchased - why do I keep doing this I ask myself? Only real lads that ever visited me in the last 10 years were from foreign countries - Australia, Peru, British Columbia the Philippines,,and Ecuador. Trying to find a local guy right now. The mistake most scammers do is use fotos of known fitness advocates, internet sensations like Cameron Dallas, one in Russia, or young porn "stars" usually from Europe. Google reverse image search has been great finding matches in seconds. I was approached by a man from Utah on two sites now who was in his sixties and looking for a home for his houseboy - the pics are of Garrett Rowland, from his Instagram account. He wanted $2500 for expenses. This was the first week on this site Dadkinkk is a scam.
  6. Also looking Orlando, FL area - message me at zipzman@gmail.com with photos please
  7. Retired single gay man seeking a live-in houseboy - young 18-30 ONLY - Dad/Son type situation -
  8. I have lost my son a few years back - I will treat you like family and promise to fulfill all your needs. Live in fantastic location just North of Orlando FL. So many fun things to do here. I own my 3 bedrm home and you can stay as long as you wish. Will help you with college tuition if you need. There are no better Dad type employers on here! Available now!! My iphone: 352-439-7259
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