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  1. There seems to be a link - and thats Colorado Denver in particular. I have been sent details by a person I shall call CM asking for $4500 each for her hareem of boys. I checked the images of the guys by doing an image search on Google and found them to be stock pictures used in the Porn industry. I then found the films that the guys appeared in !!!! I did a reverse email check and found an address in Denver where the IP address was located. Which eventually gave me the name of the "actual person " who lives there and I was able to find their criminal history through legitimate means. I will give them their credit - they got the boy to email me there has been no pressure or threats but its a scam so be careful with your money. By the way I live in England so all this was done from the other side of the pond. It was a pity because the lad I was interested in was advertised as a bottom but judging by his videos he is definitely Top and he is a real cutie pie. I wasn't allowed to called him or video chat couldnt go and meet him at Denver Airport for "security reasons" even though I said I would pay cash on arrival. The story told by the "mistress" differed ever so slightly from the "boys" and the cadence of the email was exactly the same if he wrote it or she did. So be careful ( Also its illegal to pay for another human being to own) So that was dealt with as introduction fees like a dating agency
  2. do you fancy a break in the Uk?
  3. dad4lad1

    Hello Sir!

    Hi Joe On the off chance you still watch this site I am based in the UK and would be very interested in speaking wit you :-)
  4. Hi Elie. I am based in the UK and I need a houseboy - I hope to buy  a place in Scalea in Italy for vacations  - if your interested I would love to speak with you

  5. You good looking fit sub looking to serve an older dad
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