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About davidrocha62

  • Birthday 05/08/1997

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Palmdale, California USA
  • Interests
    friends, home, father figure

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  1. Hi again guys, how are you all doing? I hope you are having a great new yea. I'm still here trying to find a nice person. Have a wonderful day everybody.
  2. That's fine Michael thanks for letting us know and fixing it
  3. we can meet if you want
  4. i kind of do miss my dog. he's with my brother right now. let my know if you guys need a friend to talk with.
  5. hello again everybody i'm still looking for a good friend
  6. i'm still looking for a nice person that want to help me. thank you for your replies.
  7. All of these sites are great for finding all of your matches. And if you are thankful for them you can support them if you want to. but then comes actually finding someone lol. It doesn't matter if you look in the most popular or a single person management, it will be the same. Although every site has different people and gives new hopes. In the end though like I said it will be the same and it will be about you and the other person to be serious of what you want.
  8. what is a backup plan?
  9. yea if you are together now but of course not just on the road
  10. thank you for the advice
  11. im looking for a real friend that would take me in. if you can come and distance isn't an issue. i need someone who just helps and want to be a supportive friend.
  12. want live in boy
  13. want live in boy
  14. want live in boy
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