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fe3232 last won the day on August 30 2024

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  1. Professional in mid forties looking for a house boy. You need to have a drivers license, be computer literate. I am a single father and need assistance with the kids upbringing, homework. Looking for a well educated/ well mannered guy, who is not just a pretty face. Ideal candidate also cooks. We have a house keeper who helps out with cleaning, laundry and some cooking too. The House Boy is mostly dedicated to daddies needs. A nice massage here and there, a work out together, foot rub or help with a stretch, grocery shopping, car washing. Personal Assistant with benefits is the best way to describe the job. You must fit into our lives and schedules and enjoy being told what to do. We live a very vibrant life with a lot of travel, you should also have a good passport as you will sometimes travel internationally with me. The right guy is passionate about life, curious about the world, interested in a family : healthy life style. get in touch and let's figure out if we are a match.
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