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tabris713 last won the day on August 2 2024

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  1. I didn't think of it that way but that's a fair point? I don't have proper stats to make this a fact but here's my theory: 1. Big chunk of the baby boomers are straight and they are looking for women (whether that's sugar arrangement, marriage, gf, maid with benefits, etc) 2. Older gen may be more conservative in nature as being gay was considered taboo for much of their lives in the past and they prefer to be as low profile as possible preferring for short-term and discrete arrangement in nature. 3. Volatile economy and inflation is a bitch. Not all baby boomers managed to lock down a place they own (or managed to secure a low interest mortgage that is almost paid off) and their buying power are declining (perhaps not as bad as the next gens but still). This may make it harder to all-paid accommodation longterm if not lifetime. That's a bit of a commitment you don't take lightly like having a child. 4. Seems like this website isn't very active unfortunately. I imagine many found someone by now or got discouraged from spams/bots and exited the market. 5. I imagine for a lot of older gens who are established, they have been successful because they surround themselves with people who made it in life and avoiding people with liabilities (for drama-free sanity, financial protection, etc). Typically houseboys are looking for an arrangement (not everyone ofc but many I imagine) because they haven't figured out their lives yet and it may give them "pick me up" vibe rather than someone who may compliment them and provide them with solid synergetic relationship. Plus many of these people I imagine have the option to just find someone on a dating market who have their lives figured out rather than going into smaller niche market of houseboys. 6. Seems like a lot of houseboys tend to be entitled or too unstable to have a meaningful arrangement longterm. Not all ofc and bad news spread faster than good news, but they do scare them off I imagine. Food for thought. Rooting for you regardless because I'm on a similar boat welp lol.
  2. A bit of a long shot but life can be an interesting absurdity sometimes for better or for worse, so why not I figure? Currently in Kansas City MO helping out a local business owned by a friend of mine but it's getting harder to scale and I am hoping to find a new fresh change of scenery and have a life a bit more fulfilling and meaningful than just bartering time for a step little closer to future like a pyramid scheme welp lol. Used to have some light few experiences working in IT field (nothing fancy just tier 2 and some tier 3 roles). My eventual dream is to restart a boutique hedge fund I used to run with my parents' capital that helped them retire early. It's a shame they quit while they were ahead and if I had more years at it I would have made enough for me to start on my own but c'est la vie :/ So right now, the goal is to hustle as hard as possible to expand the cleaning business (and hopefully get more leads and increase revenue... scale better) and either have it automated or flip it to move onto higher margin business till I have enough cash flow to be free to set myself up and be able to focus on growing asset and investment firm without worrying about surviving or feel like I am leveraged between a rock and a hard place. I'm quite attracted to to those who is already living a truly free life and bravely or shamelessly embrace who they truly are and live a fulfilling and happy life they can truly claim as their own. Someone who has mad hedonistic chemistry to the point where we can unleash ourselves and have nothing holding us back behind the curtains, but also have the genuine sentimental bond found in closest friends who love and care. In the world where we are often judged for our shortcomings, the relationship I am hoping for will be judged on how much we love instead. Someone with an aspiration/dream and know where you're open-minded but also know what foundation is determined and rigid enough to define who you are. Be able to trust enough to show your vulnerable side (personality, sex, etc) but also know when to bare your fangs when our interest is endangered. Someone who genuinely understands my craving and actually wants me to be around. And vice versa ofc. People like that mean a world to me, and I'd like to go at great length to show that I'm here both good and challenging times. Hope to have dynamics where we can manage the volatility of life and make something meaningful with happy ending. I could say more, but I feel if we can connect with vibe and sentiment like this... that's basically half the battle and the rest are less trivial elements that can be worked out. If any of these intrigues you, I'd love to dm further and see how deep the rabbit hole can go Few details about me: - 5”4 and about 160-165 lbs but have every intention and motivation to workout more regularly given available time as I have done in the past. I used to do once every 2 days muscle workout and cardio once or twice every weekdays and I'd love to do it again. Being closer to the ocean breeze, better diet and positive ecosystem would also hopefully help me manage my atopical eczema better as well. Apart from that, fairly healthy and has no illnesses/STDs. I do not do drugs nor do I smoke. - I'm fairly honest, friendly and try to appreciate the context of few people I learn to care about and look out for their interests with good intention. Fairly independent and require little supervision but also don’t mind being managed especially in areas that I may need work on. Tolerant and respect tough love so long as it’s good and not malicious intention based. - Not shy from having good hard work ethic, so long as it’s physically doable. I’m not a Schwarzenegger with Energizer battery so doing heavy labor level seen in heavy construction field may not be feasible. When trust is earned and if potential is shown, I’d be open to taking more roles/errands that require more skills and experience as part of growing as an asset (I haven’t finished college but I had IT/compsci background and I also have high interest in financial/business world and hope to develop a good acumen and potentially building something for myself in the future if opportunity surfaces). - Enjoy cooking and if the standard is very high, totally open to be taking lessons to become more professional. - Cautious driver with relatively clean abstract and should be able to do errands that require a car. Only have driven automatic but open to learn how to drive manual if applicable. What I'm hoping for (and hopefully something you find intriguing): Meet someone who has mad hedonistic chemistry to the point where we can unleash ourselves and have nothing holding us back behind the curtains, but also have the genuine sentimental bond found in closest friends who love and care. In the world where we are often judged for our shortcomings, the relationship I am hoping for will be judged on how much we love instead. Someone with an aspiration/dream and know where you're open-minded but also know what foundation is determined and rigid enough to define who you are. Be able to trust enough to show your vulnerable side (personality, sex, etc) but also know when to bare your fangs when our interest is endangered. Someone who can see that I'm serious about life and might mentor/assist me in building something of my own by establishing platforms that can generate good cash flow and raise capital. Have some good times with cherishing memories and pick up some wisdom along the way. Apart from relationship wise... hmmm... to be free, truly be free and be unleashed from the world so I can truly make choices in life that matters to me. Meet like-minded souls who share many values that are aligned with mine, but have enough differences that would spice up and enrich life. Someone with aspirations and passions and genuine interest that they are willing to dedicate on. Someone who is not afraid of thinking outside the box but also appreciate the box when it serves the interest. Personal aspirational context: I do have a modest ulterior motive which I hope isn't going to be a conflict of interest (ideally aligned interest if we hit it off to be close enough but that's tbc). A big motivation of mine is to be free... truly be free. Financially at first but eventually becoming a better version of myself physically, mentally, financially and experience wise. Seeing that you've made great accomplishments with solid business acumen, I'm cautiously curious about potentially and eventually having the opportunity to learn from you to perhaps one day build something of my own. And at that point I think the connection would be far more genuine and meaningful as well knowing that I am free as a bird capable of going anywhere with options but choosing to stay/visit anyway. I wised up and matured late instead of having this determined mindset after high school, but I hope to at least escape from corporate slavery with opposing interest and be able to build options where I have greater say on my fate in life. As such I hope to have a more meaningful and lasting relationship rather than strictly just being a houseboy over time if possible. If this possibility intrigues you, I'd love to have more discussions on exploring this matter and breaking more ice between us sufficiently enough to want us to make something happen that would enrich both of us. P.S. I realize my account is fairly new and scams/bots/flakes are rampant here (though I'd like to hope bots don't write as much as me welp lol) but for the right person I'm happy to verify myself (video chat with valid ID, meeting in person, etc). I'm real and I'm quite serious and committed for the right person and I am fiercely loyal to few people who manage to get into my shell.
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