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michael last won the day on January 10 2024

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  1. So sorry we were down for a week (forums). We had issues with the files that needed to be on the server for the new version of the board software.
  2. If deleted, most likely a scammer and deleted by admin.
  3. Access is normally granted weekly or a few times a week.Why? Spammers often log in, create fake profiles using proxies and we want to see if they log in and there is a discrepancy. It is as simple as that. We remove about 100 fakes per week or more. I am not sure why so many try but they do and they must be getting someone to give them money or they would not be trying.
  4. Well, you have one name here and another in the screenshot that is not active. We don't allow double profiles.
  5. I am just trying to think of other ways to keep spammers off the site. Perhaps, if we require the addition of a profile photo and 3 other photos before approval, it might slow down the amount of spammers that come to the site. Or, any other suggestions?
  6. There is now no way to edit the username once set. Sorry guys. But, this was being taken advantage of by scammers.
  7. Gone! I'll watch for his IP as well.
  8. Deleted.
  9. I don't see him. But, the programmers are working on not allowing users to edit their username. That function was not in site before and slipped in with new code. It will be removed if possible.
  10. I see no one called Motivated Muscle. Do you have another name he is using?
  11. Some adjustment have been made. Does anyone still see issues? If so, let me know what they are. Thanks.
  12. The server was upgraded to a new version of php and it causing issues. We are working on it.
  13. Already removed.
  14. Every time we see him, we block him. We block as many profiles as we approve.
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