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  1. Wow, so sorry you guys all had such a bad experience with this guy. It's tough finding the right match, everyone has different expectations, and then people are rarely what we build them up to be in our minds. The shock of that discovery combined with betrayal of pretty much a total stranger can be the deepest kind of wound to experience too, because in essence you are taking a total chance on someone you have no reason to trust except because there is seemingly either a physical or mental connection. I have the same type of trust issues myself when it comes to this site, being kind of at the mercy of someone I might meet and not knowing who they really are or what they expect. I have faith though that eventually it gets better and all the hell we experience in the end brings us to a better path in life. Live and learn I guess is the way of the world. I know its been like that for me for a long time, lonely but always learning and always growing. George76
  2. Always been a dream to visit there! You Aussie's make me wet man. Message me or what's your profile link?
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