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Teddymgnsv last won the day on May 9 2018

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  1. This person stated that he WAS from England , but in fact , WAS NOT !
  2. in addition to paying for their air fare , that they require BTA... Internet Financial Scams - US Embassy in London london.usembassy.gov/.../internet_... Embassy of the United States, London Beware of anyone who requests funds for a BTA, or Basic Travel Allowance, as a requirement to depart another country for the United States. There is no such thing as a BTA. In other cases, your Internet friend will claim to need a travel allowance, or travel money, to be able to travel to the United States. "Second only to flight money, the Basic Travel Allowance (BTA) is the scammers highest paying income. Also known as the Personal Travel Allowance, Travellers Allowance Fee, Travellers Assistance Fund, Travellers Assurance Fund and numerous other forms of “I have to have wodges of your cash or they won’t let me fly”. Let’s get this over with now … THERE IS NO SUCH THING any more, anywhere, it’s an online dating scam."
  3. BEWARE of out of country prospects who ask for BTA... Internet Financial Scams - US Embassy in London london.usembassy.gov/.../internet_... Embassy of the United States, London Beware of anyone who requests funds for a BTA, or Basic Travel Allowance, as a requirement to depart another country for the United States. There is no such thing as a BTA. In other cases, your Internet friend will claim to need a travel allowance, or travel money, to be able to travel to the United States.
  4. absolutely !
  5. jrk_311: Well hello there jrk_311: I just signed up on Houseboy.com, and I liked what you had to say in your profile Ted: good morning jrk_311: Good Morning! How are ya this morning? Ted: good thanks Ted: and you ? jrk_311: eh, pretty good- would be better if I were down there with you though! Ted: I guess that your profile isn't up on the site yet Ted: tell me a little about yourself jrk_311: yeah it is jrk_311: intrinsic_fame25 jrk_311: Well, I am 25, in Ohio. I am, a very loving, funny, goofy guy but I am professional when need be. I love to make others happy and I have a drive to find my place in this world. jrk_311: I have a passion for music and Food! haha, I know, what a combination, right? Ted: not a bad combo at all jrk_311: I have recently been laid off of work, and have found myself stagnant and unhappy. I need to get out of Ohio and start my life anew, preferrably with a nice guy like yourself. Ted: I understand Ted: thiongs are pretty rough nowadays jrk_311: And I am hoping to be starting this new life in the extreme near future. jrk_311: yeah, the job market here sucks! Ted: not only there unfortunately jrk_311: true, true. Ted: the site says unknown Ted: can't bring up your profile Ted: when did you fill it out ? jrk_311: if you go to where it shows the people currently online, you can click on my pic there jrk_311: like 5 hours ago Ted: it won't be available for 24 hours jrk_311: http://www.houseboy.com/index.php?file=mem...er_id=110010203 Ted: you can bring it up Ted: but no one else can jrk_311: Oh, IM sorry - I didn't realize that Ted: let me try the link jrk_311: ok jrk_311: well, there's nothing on the site that I can't tell you on here Ted: sorry Ted: I did read it a few minutes ago Ted: apparently it's still not in the system by name yet jrk_311: strange ... Ted: the whole site is jrk_311: Well, are you still looking for a live-in house mate? Ted: I had to send them a message yesterday about their opening page Ted: they screwed up saying that anyone signing in in the last 90 days would be taken off Ted: for inactivity Ted: instead of NOT signing in in the past 90 days Ted: and yes jrk_311: ah, yes. I thought that sounded odd. Ted: I am still looking Ted: unfortunately not many guys want to live with an old man jrk_311: Well, those guys are apparently not aware of what they're missing Ted: unfortunately not too much Ted: at my age i'm pretty much a pretty boring guy Ted: lived a too hectic life style most of my life jrk_311: Well, I have a feeling that you and I would get alond famously. I am very laid-back, drama free and just like to enjoy my time with someone I have common interests with, and just enjoy life in search of happiness. Ted: i'm still searching jrk_311: Most of us are. Ted: sure looks that way jrk_311: SO what would be the likelihood of you actually having me out? Ted: have you ever been to Florida ? jrk_311: Yeah, several times. mainly northcentral FL, gainesville area... jrk_311: but I love it down there Ted: why were you in Gainesville ? Ted: it's a small college town jrk_311: I was with my mother, visiting my G'Pa. Ted: ahha jrk_311: He lived in Bronson just outside of Gainesville, Archer FL Ted: know it Ted: never been there Ted: about 30 miles from me jrk_311: ok, okay Ted: what do you do workwise ? jrk_311: I was laid of at the end of november, I worked at JC Penney warehouse. Ted: ok Ted: it says that you like to cook Ted: I use to own restaurants Ted: and am a pretty good cook myself jrk_311: Food is one of my passions, I love to cook. Ted: unfortunately so do I and have my "up & downs" weight wise Ted: do you have transportation ? jrk_311: I am a former gymnast, so I have a pretty nice frame, but I havent been going to the gym as much. I am not overweight by ANY means, I just need to get to Florida and get more active jrk_311: I do not. Ted: that might be a problem here Ted: I am only 7 miles to the center of town Ted: but the closest bus is 2 miles from the house Ted: I like living in a " country" atmosphere jrk_311: I do too Ted: the house is in the middle of the woods on 5+ acres jrk_311: oh god that sounds soooo perfect Ted: lots of wild life jrk_311: Well, I am dead serious about this and you'd love having me as a helper with whatever you needed. jrk_311: I just hope you are as serious as I am. Ted: what is your name ? jrk_311: Justin Ted: hi Justin...i'm Ted jrk_311: Nice to meet you, ted Ted: we can give it a try if you like if you can down here jrk_311: How would I get there is the question? jrk_311: I am in no way a scammer or anything of the sort... jrk_311: but I do not have the means to even get myself there... Ted: unfortunately I had to learn the hard way and got fucked over a couple of times Ted: so no longer send tickets or money jrk_311: Well, I would never fuck you over, you can get a non-refundable bus ticket. Ted: those guys made it bad for others that are not scammers Ted: I would reimburse you once you got here jrk_311: yeah, that's pretty shitty. But like I said, u could purchase a non-refundable ticket that I would have to use to come to you. Ted: but can't send it up front Ted: sorry jrk_311: I do not have ANY way to get money for food, let alone a ticket. jrk_311: thats why this is such a dire need of mine Ted: if you read the opening page on the site Ted: they warn you about sending money or tickets jrk_311: well, I dont know what to say cause buying a non refundable ticket is fail-safe. Ted: not really since the ticket can be re-routed if not used Ted: costs about $50 bucks to do so jrk_311: No. there are tickets that you can buy that are only usable forwhat they are bought for. jrk_311: and cannot be exchanged or refunded. jrk_311: it's fail-safe. Ted: i'm sorry Justin , just won't do it again jrk_311: well, thats your loss I guess. jrk_311: thanks for wasting my time. Ted: that attitude will not get you too far Ted: have a good day jrk_311: haha said the old man. jrk_311: Goodbye. Last message received on 1/21 at 8:30 AM Wonder if his yahoo screen name JRK_311 stands for JERK ???
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