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Our favorite ripoff houseboy fake is back once again! Honestmuscle is now Yngr4Mentor

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Yngr4Mentor is the same guy once again. Christopher Johnsen. The same one that has ripped off so many guys on this site and that impersonated a police officer in Texas, but got caught for that.  

maybe he should be reported to the website owner?


It will end when grown men stop falling for these old "boy in distress" and "too cute to be fake" lines that are somehow still causing men to ignore all the red flags for the thought of getting a shot at some fresh meat. Think about it; this is a fantasy site, but the victim can never go to law enforcement because you're offering money in exchange for (among other things) sex, and somehow, you guys keep falling for it hoping a website block would solve the issue rather than just not going full stupid when a guy sends some hot pix of what's always a twink or young muscled guy. Why would they stop if grown men and daddies are going to keep enabling it?


I can't speak for anyone else, but I was not taken in by this guy, but did talk to him. I also find that your response is rather unnecessarily harsh and not helpful at all. In fact I'm insulted by your superior tone and all knowing attitude.  You DO NOT know all the details or at least myself well enough to presume that you can speak down to me like I am some child that you need to school. I would appreciate it greatly if you would simply refrain from saying anything at all if you have nothing you are able to say pleasantly. I have been lied to by many guys before myself and learned how to spot them. But I think its important to let people know who is running under a new screen name, which is why I initially posted here.  


As of this morning 9/21//2020 this same douche-bad a...hole is still here with a new profile “LookinSoon”. Please dont waste your time with him because his ONLY interest is not in being someone’s houseboy but instead to screw you outta every dollar he can. A total lying, con-artist, scamming piece of dog excrement! No he’s never conned me because he knows better than to waste his time and allow me to report him through the main web site protocol. So he conveniently goes through his list of us who spit him immediately and blocks us all so we then can’t report him. He’s not stupid, he’s sly. And will always feed you a hard luck story to convince you to send him $. I assure you you’ll regret it if you do. He’s a professional. Good luck to you all. There ARE lots of good and honest houseboys and employers on the website. Just use your good common sense and always go with your gut feeling. Stay vigilant, stay safe. Peace to you all.  


Ranchbear, I didn't mean you. Clearly, you're far too bright to fall for that. I just mean in general, they'll never stop because they know all it takes is a cute pic and a lame story to make good money. Even during a pandemic, it seems people still have tons of extra money to throw away. Haha, at this rate, some of those guys would spend less on actual hookers when they add up how much they've lost behind those pictures and stories. 

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