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The defiance of reality is a condition of extreme measure. The inability to put defining factors on reality and fairy-tales can lead to a road of despair, disappointment, and more so…. Self destruction. Knowing thyself, and staying true are words that bring thought to many being, yet as a human race we fail to embrace this virtue. The every day questions of , “Why me?” , “What next?”, “Did I deserve this?” are all questions that embrace the balance of the reality, and the spirit.

I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and NO, I would never wish harm or bad things to ANYONE! However, many times we must be broken down to be rebuild as a stronger, and move successful individual. We have all walked our paths, we have ran, we have skipped, we have tripped, and hell, even fallen flat on our face… but you know what? Look at us now! Look at how we took that moment, and now have learned, we have changed, for the better you ask? That is still to be determined.

Rationality of Life and Love will always be in the back of our minds. Do I? Don’t I? Should I? Could I? The truth is… until you really come to the understanding of WHOM you are, and what happiness and success are for you, I am afraid you will be caught in this “defiance of reality”. Its as if being in a whirlpool, you see the things come, but then they go, and the return upon your next pass… WHAT is it that you want? Do you seek for Temporary Fixes? Or are you reaching for that HIGH GOAL? Are you reaching for what everyone around you tells you is “impossible”? WHAT are you embracing?

I pray you embrace your love, your spirit, your mind, and when you falter, and things aren’t always what they seem.. know my dear friends… I am here. I WILL listen, I WILL catch you, and if possible… Allow the sincerity of my words and actions to be the healing salve upon your wounds, no matter how complicated or how difficult it may seem.. The World preaches that “TIME” will heal all wounds, this has influenced our generation to run from issues, and struggles instead of facing them with Open minds, Open hearts, and it will continue to Blind us from the path of happiness and success, until we make a stand.

WHO is the world to put limitations on love? WHO wrote the rule book stating you must be together for years before living together? WHY can’t individuals fall in love at first sight? Logic you say? HA! Love is anything but Logical… Love is spiritual.. Love is mental… Love is emotional … TRUE love is all of these things! Lust is the worlds Logical answer to spontaneity in love … To be guided by The Logical Lust is a foundation of the Defiance of Reality.

Sometimes, when things can’t be explained… it is for a reason…. When you are speechless, stay that way! When you are captivated, don’t analyze it.. embrace it for what it is.. and put faith in yourself, knowing that you WILL make the correct decisions….

Life is not always going to be a Dance underneath the stars, do you have enough passion, faith, and spirit to see things through? Just when Is enough, enough? Your heart will NEVER lie to you… If you are truly in tune with who you are as an individual, your heart will never lead you astray.

I leave everyone with these last thoughts. My Life experiences I cherish, The bad experiences have made me stronger… the Good Experiences I embrace as a gift everyday, and thank the Highest for them …. Many may disagree with what I have expressed in this writing… and that’s okay… The day will come, when what I express you may personally understand. As an individual I choose to live my life outside the “Defiance of Reality” … I choose to stand, be strong, to LOVE.. and to LOVE DEEP, LONG, and HARD! No matter what life throws at me, I will love you, as my friends, my family, or one day, Hopefully for someone more significant in my life. Until that day… Blessed be …


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