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Fellow House boys,

I just wanted to alert you all to the first guy I ever met on this website. Here is the story- I joined this website last summer and sortly after, this "gregdcfl" aka. Greg; IMed me on yahoo. we started talking on IM and Skype (he saw me on cam, but not I, him). From this I learned that: he had two houses the main one in Washington D.C. and a small one in Florida, he was owner and operater of a credit company(or something like that), and various personal details. well after talking for a few weeks via the internet; he asked if he could come to Houston so that we could meet/hangout, and see if we liked each other in person. I said that would be fun, and we set a date for him to come. However, when the day came that his flight was to head to Houston (he was on the iberian peninsula conducting business), he vanished, and I never heard from him again.

Now my fellows, who knows if everything he told me was true; if he was really in Portugal, or if he was really what his profile says... he does speak Russian though, he didnt lie about that i heard him. But he did flake out on me. Be careful!

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