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I am new here as of July 2011, I have read many but not all of the forum post on this site, I am employer seeking a good houseboy or 2.

After reading many of the post, I decided to share my 2 cents for whatever it is worth, this site like any other gay or sex oriented site is subject to scammers and spammers, in fact, there seems to be a problem of this type of activity witch seem somewhat disproportionate in retrospect, unfortunately, this type of activity on these sites is just the way it is and there is little to nothing that can be done about it other than weeding though the often alluring ads of this type on a site such as this, shit happens.

Although I am new here on this site, I feel I have enough experience to help anyone either seeking a position or looking to have a position filled help identify with some of the things that should rise red flags for even the beginner.

Screen names:

The screen name is my first look at a profile, my advice, don’t just look at the name, get a feel for it, say it to yourself a few times and understand what it might mean in terms with the person who’s ad it belongs to and what they are stating within their listing, for instance, if they state in in there profile there looking for a fun loving and caring home where sex is optional depending on the connection and there screen name is bondoboy or sexslaveboy69, in this case the name is not at all conducive to their profile and should therefore raise a red flag for you, this is not saying their lying but it could be that they are offering mixed signals without even knowing it, it’s a good indication that this person is not really sure what they want in any real situation or position being offered or considered.

Same thing with a name where princess might be used and yet there profile say their hunky, good lucking and full of muscles, again the name is not at all conducive to their profile description, this again should at the very least raise a red flag for you.

And while this may be obvious to some or most, others need guidance in this process, if you really want to find or fulfill a position, think before you act, don’t just go by a photo that we all love to see, you know, like that ones with pretty young faces, smooth skin and muscles bound hunks with the big dick, if your serious about what it is you want, then reality must strike home for you, don’t be fooled, if it’s too good to be true, chances are it is, but keep an open mind because you never know what is available until you try it out for a test drive.

Speaking of test drives, I often hear people say things like, can you move in tomorrow, or next week if I send you the money, if you feel this Is good by all means do it, but do it with common sense in mind, if your going to send money to anyone then do it with a little common sense, yes that’s right, a little common sense goes a long ways, if you get scammed at the end, then you need to take full responsibility for that, it’s really no one’s fault but your own, and for those that do the scamming, it’s not right but if you are the one getting scammed then very frankly it’s most likely because you were too impatient, not paying attention to details and too trusting. Most of us have a built in system within us and we always know but far too often we end up chasing a dream that’s no more real than Disney World. But posting hate message on here about those that supposedly scammed you is not really any solution at all. Personal responsibility is what is going to make it or break it.

Bottom line, create your own red flag system, rate each aspect to their screen name and their profile and then rate things that stick out a rating, such as in the case of the bondoslaveboy69 name, give it a rating of 5, if the overall rating is 50 or more and you can’t afford the time or money than simply look for someone that has a lessor red flag points, use your own system just create something that can help guide you, it does not have to be set in stone but it starts to pin point where you want or need to go within your search.

Just be practical and use common sense and most importantly, don’t blame the rest of the world if you get scammed, ultimately it’s your responsibility, not mine or anyone Else's, I am not condoning the scammers at all, but if there good enough to get you, well then perhaps it comes down to you’re not as smart as the scammers.

Hope this helps someone.

Peace and happy shopping.

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