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Hello to all the employers and houseboys out there. Here is another one to watch out for,"Irishboy987".

beware of this guy he will use you and ask for money to come to you and then come up with a exscuse of not being able to make it or getting turned back at a point of entry if you are in the USA, Yes I know this from first hand experience with him. And yes he took me for money, Yeah I know I was a fool for sending any to him but what can I say he had a good answer for everything.

So beware of this guy ... his screen name is Irishboy987 and the name he uses is Peter jm Van ginkel he is in the Netherlands area but profile says Dublin. This guy will tell you what you want to hear and seems to be very good at it. I am probaly not the first to be taken by him, and would like to hear from others if they were.post-11715-041484200 1314047877_thumb.jppost-11715-059326600 1314047894_thumb.jp


Thanks for the heads up, I started to talk with guy, but I have scince stopped after looking at this post, not the type of person I want anyplace around me or my property.

I can not believe that there are not others that have had dealing with this guy, or maybe they are scared of saying so.

Thanks for the post.


Here is just another note as to when you are seeking a houseboy that might be useful to all employers. If they are from overseas make sure they have a vaild passport and visa, someone has told me that most they have contacted do not.

Look for the warning signs and all that when dealing with people and be sure to read the forums and use them. It is one of the best ways to comunicate between not only employers but also check on prospective houseboys. Have a good day and good luck with the search, there is someone out there for everyone.


Hi I also had so dealing with this person did not send money but was close. Can you or anyone please tell just what for sure do I need to have for paper work to bring a boy from oversea here on a J1 visa and is there such a thing as them having to have and show travel money or BTA money before they are allowed to board the plane.I have had some that I tried to get here but they all seem to need travel money right at the end anywhere from $500 all the way up to $2000 can anyone tell me if this true


Hi I also had so dealing with this person did not send money but was close. Can you or anyone please tell just what for sure do I need to have for paper work to bring a boy from oversea here on a J1 visa and is there such a thing as them having to have and show travel money or BTA money before they are allowed to board the plane.I have had some that I tried to get here but they all seem to need travel money right at the end anywhere from $500 all the way up to $2000 can anyone tell me if this true

You may want to call or visit the Stae Dept wwebsite and see exactly what is needed to bring someone in to the country ... I have never heard of a J1 visa but there is such a visa as a H2B ... My stand is if you wish to come over then Pay your way and I will reimburse you after you get here ... it is one way of wweeding out the flakes and scammers ... Noticed that irishboy987 has been bumped off the site!!!!

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