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Hello. I'm 30 years old. Been struggling to get on my feet for years now. I was living in Los Angeles for a few months. I had a job, a place, and was doing fine. But, my job was only temporary, and it came to an end. The people I was living with weren't very understanding of me, and my last resort was to move in with a friend here in Rural Arizona. I can't find a job here because there are barely any places to work, and time is wearing thin. I don't want to end up homeless, and I want to be back in the city that I love and worked forever to move to.

I'm a caring individual who will clean, cook, run errands, etc. I'm out-going, sociable, and love making new friends. Not looking for anything sexual to develop, but if the chemistry is there, then it will happen. But it's not something you should hope for.

I'm asking for a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, food in my belly, and money in my pocket, in exchange for being someone's houseboy. I want to be able to get out and get my own place and make my own way in life. Something I've been trying to do for years now, and every time I think I'm there, I fall back flat on my face.

I do have a profile here on Houseboy with my full info, if interested in viewing it. And the sooner I can get into a good situation, the better.

The best way to contact me is through e-mail. lektrobug82@gmail.com

I hope that you consider me for employment. Thank you in advance.


Let me also add that I do yard work. I do have a green thumb, and love taking care of plants. Over the summer of 2011, I grew a whole pumpkin patch. I think I started it too late in the year, as most the pumpkins didn't get very big, the biggest of which was about the size of my head.

Again, thank you.

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