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I review these forums daily. I always see employers who post these ridiculous forums in which all they loose is money. We should be talking about the houseboys who are targeted by these weirdos who fly people to them and rape them...relocate minorities as slaves and trap them with no way to go and do as they please....or ones who trick houseboys by sending false pics of themselves/ their homes/ or relocate unders false pretentions!! I dont know what happened to the good HONEST employers. The term houseboy has gone to hell and back and then there again..lol Im tired of seeing these sick disgusting men who lie and cheat there way into having someone come there and then treating them badly...and then the few houseboys who can actually afford to get away from bad situations have to deal with false accusations in these forums preventing them from ever finding a TRUE HONSEY houseboy situation. Something should be done by the site administrator! Although I doubt it will I just hope something bad happens to the wrong houseboy and they change all of this drama for example going to court and persuing the matter legally when they are raped/etc...Usually the ones that are sexually abused are poor minorities who have no means of getting out of the situation and because of their unfortunate inability to remove themselves on their own they are forced to remain with these horrible assholes , some ending up dead. Im sure i;ll get alot of negative responses to this forum from the exact employers who are the cause but I am posting this forum mainly to all HONEST/Smart houseboys. Make sure you have your own means of removing yourself from a bad situation before going to visit an employer from this site!!! even if its contacting a friend or family or having to save money. If you are poor and have no means of having your own moneyPLEASE make sure that you talk to someone, maybe a close friend to let them know where you are going. Always get theFULL name/ photo/ FULL ADDRESS/ and a phone number of the person you are meeting!!!

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