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Thanks for the response, Notahouseboy.

Just so you know, this is pipatatl. Since my last houseboy position, I figured I'd update my screen name to something a bit more fitting.

Anyhow, I must say a few things. First of all, don't take anything I say on here to decide against being a houseboy. At this point, this site is just to pass time. Sometimes I'm on here once or twice a day checking emails and responding to forums, then other times, I'm not on here for months. Also, I have to say that being a houseboy is the reason I work for the sheriff's department now and have literally met the man of my dreams simply by chance while working my last houseboy positon. My life couldn't be better now, and I wouldn't have ended up where I am if it wasn't for the houseboy position.

Additionally, my last actual houseboy position itself was great to me. From the pay, the availability of new cars to drive all the time, plus an unexpected sense of family warmth, it was just great. You say that " If someone tells you in a few short hours they are ready to move in 9 out of 10 it really isn't true." but I have to tell you, that's not true. I was a houseboy 3 times and the last position was the longest I've known a guy before moving in. Guess how long we knew each other? I met him in person about 36 hours after the first email. Every position I tried worked out. I saw each position as a job. I'm sure you can't name a boss you've had that you first chatted with and got to know for months before going for an interview.

I'd hate to think that you read something I wrote on here (that I can't even remember writing) and have decided to not allow yourself to have the chances and experiences I was given. Houseboy positions are the reason I've lived everywhere from Palm Springs, CA to Key West, FL. However, I was smart about what positions I accepted and I was always true to myself, no matter how much I was offered as pay for services. When you stay true to yourself and you're not spending time figuring out who you are, it's a lot easier to see who the guy you're talking to is as well. I guess that's how I only picked guys that ended up perfect for me. You can't seriously take something written out of boredom to decide against what could end up being a HUGE part of your life.

On the other hand...

You mention things that busyman and I said to each other, and you have to remember that I've never met him. He's just a conversation online to me (as I'm sure I'm the same thing to him). It passes a few minutes in the day. That's it. Like I said, I don't even remember writing half of what was written, but I do know I was bored when I did. I don't know him and he doesn't know me and no one cares what we said to each other not even 5 minutes after reading what was written. You can't take what's written in here too seriously, "irregardless" (lol) of what was written. If I really thought he was a "danger" to houseboys, I would have called the cops rather than responded here.

Thanks to my last houseboy position, all of my bills stayed paid during the recession, I enjoyed living in a huge house, but more importantly, I was taken in as part of the family and made to feel important. I was given a sense of reason and placement. I always had someone to lean on when I was sad or down and I always had a waiting ear when I wanted to scream about something cool that happened to me while I was in town doing my own thing.

My experience as a houseboy was nothing like what you read in forums like this because I did my homework first, but my homework wasn't about what "my friend that uses this site" says or a forum said. My homework started with me looking inside. I made sure I knew myself and then settled for nothing less than my standards. No amount of money and no position is worth you selling out. Remember that and (if you do ever try to be a houseboy), you'll always find only the best positions and have fun too, but DON'T decide against giving the houseboy thing a chance because of something I wrote when I was bored to a guy I don't know. To call it hate, though, eh... I could see why you think that, but this isn't hate. It's just passing time.

On a personal note:

You said "don't we have enough people hating us being gay or bi men?". I'm not much older than you, but take it from someone that is openly gay working for a sheriff's department while holding my boyfriend's hand in grocery stores or sidewalks here in Texas; hate only works if you let it get to you. My life is mine and will be dictated by me, not by someone that doesn't like me. I appreciate what those before me have done towards and for gay rights, but it didn't get that way with people thinking any kind of discussion or disagreement was hate. Acknowledging differences is how changes happen. Plus I'm a young, openly gay black guy with a great career, new cars, the perfect boyfriend, the best family one could ask for, and more. You think I don't know what a hater is? Lol, don't try to tell me what hate is.

Good luck to you man, but don't let stupid things sway you one way or another on decisions throughout your life.

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